Social Media Analysis Training for Digital Talent Development in Indonesia
The development of digital technology has allowed people to share opinions on social media, send emails, make purchases online, to make phone calls every day. As a result, the amount of data continues to grow rapidly day by day. Most of the data available today is public and accessible to anyone, such as social media data, blogs, news, discussion forums, public government data, and others. With the immense value of this abundant source of social media data, there is an opportunity to extract knowledge or insights from this unstructured social media data, especially to understand opinions, current trends, or influential actors on information spread on the internet. As part of Telkom Surabaya's IT Community Service team that supports student development in SMA/SMK/MA, we propose solutions to the main problems faced today, namely in the field of data analysis. The solutions we offer are also in line with the government's program to increase Digital Talent in Indonesia. In the midst of increasing demand for Digital Talent, there is still a gap between the need for digital talent and job opportunities in Indonesia. The program we will create is Social Media Analysis Training, which will provide an understanding of the benefits of open social media data in general, how to take insights from social media data, and solve problems in various fields.
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