Training and Assistance for the Development of PjBL Teaching Materials Based on Strengthening the Pancasila Profile for Elementary School Teachers

Sri Suryaningsih, Arwan Arwan, Try Supriyanto, Ayu Citra Lestari, Nur’aini Rahma


Training and mentoring in the preparation of project-based learning materials (Project-Based Learning/PjBL) which focuses on strengthening the profile of Pancasila students aims to improve the understanding and skills of teachers at SDN 1 Kaleo in implementing the independence curriculum. This program consists of several stages: socialization, training, application of e-book technology, mentoring, and evaluation involving 21 teachers. The results showed a significant increase in teachers' understanding of the Pancasila student profile from 53.8% to 95.2%, understanding of the PjBL model from 51.6% to 97.3%, and teaching materials from 54.3% to 98.3%. The introduction of e-books as an innovation in teaching materials supports independent learning, especially for students with limited school attendance. Although there were challenges in selecting relevant projects and using e-books, the focus group discussion (FGD) approach and intensive mentoring helped overcome these challenges. This training opens up opportunities for SDN 1 Kaleo to become a training model for other schools, thus expanding the positive impact of this program. Thus, this research has succeeded in increasing teachers' capacity to support the independent curriculum and forming a young generation with character according to the profile of Pancasila students.




training and Mentoring, Pancasila student profile, PjBL teaching materials.

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