The Uses of Scientific Approach In English Teaching Based On Curriculum 2013 At Senior High School Level

Arif Rahman


This study examine the use of scientific Approach in teaching english based on curriculum 2013 by teachers. Moreover,  the study describes the teachers’ perception, difficulties and the its solutions in teaching english, using Scientific Approach. This study is a descriptive qualitative research;. The subjects were four English teachers of SMA Al Wildan Tangerang. The teachers were teaching the topic of “Reported Speech” for the XI grade students in the Academic Year 2016/2017. The data were gathered from interviews with teachers, observation of teaching learning process, and the teachers’ lesson plan. The findings shown that firstly, the procedures of teaching English using Scientific Approach conducted by teachers consisted of: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating; secondly, the teachers shared similar perception in which the Scientific Approach is regarded as an approach that integrate students’ attitude, skills, and knowledge by implementing observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating in the teaching learning process; thirdly, the difficulties faced by the teachers in applying Scientific Approach were: the students’ lack of critical thinking, the students’ difficulty in finding the answer of the problem, the students’ weaknesses in analyzing the material, and the students’ lack of vocabulary mastery; and fourth, the teachers’ strategies to cover the problem in using Scientific Approach, i.e. engage and triger the students’  motivation  to be more active in learning, give some stimulating questions related to the material, give comparisons of the recent material with the previous materials, and translate the difficult words within the text.


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Permendikbud No. 81a/2013 tentang Implementasi Kurikulum.


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