hidayati hidayati, Fitri andriyani, Rima Rahmaniah, M Fauzi Bafadal


Dice games is a cube (often with corners slightly rounded), marked on each of its six faces with a different number of circular patches or Pits called pips and used in order to move the player to a place, where he or she needs to use his or her language skills. By using the dice games, the researcher interested to make students more active in the class activities, enjoy in learning english especially to help students to increase their  lexical resources to mastery in vocabulary as a purpose of this study. In this research, the writer used quasi experimental research (pre-test and post-test design) with the  population was 111 from 4 classes and sample of this study was 58 students by using cluster sampling. The writer took two classes as sample, they are Malik class  as an experimental and Khuzaifah class as a control group. To collect the data, the writer used multiple choices items with 20 numbers items from the students sheets. The finding of this research from value of t-test was 5.01 than value of t-table in the significance level 95% (1.67) and at the confidence level 99% (2.39). The  value of t-test is higher than t-table, it means that the second hypothesis (H2) which is read that the use of Loaded Dice game can increase the vocabulary mastery of young learners age 6-12 years is accepted.

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