Implementation of Village Governance on Public Services in Langensari Village

Emi Rachmawati, Farid Arifin, Rangga Muharram Adimanggala, Hasan Abdul Malik, Karim Amarullah, Jesica Clarisa Amanda, Valina Mutiara Tsabbit Al Bilqis, Yulina Agisty, Lenniy Anggraieni, Lenniy Anggraieni, Niswa Afifah Naura Sari, Niswa Afifah Naura Sari


This research explains public services in Langensari Village by emphasizing aspects of accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. The focus includes planning and development to advance village welfare. In regional development, the government emphasizes the bottom-up system, namely villages. Village governance is a form of government administration in realizing development in the village. In this case, creating good governance can improve public services in the village which can support the performance of village officials in serving the community. Optimal service must always be provided by regional government officials, especially village governments. That one of the goals of village regulation is to improve public services for service providers as well as possible is one of the performance results that village governments can carry out to achieve the goals set out in national service standards, namely service quality. Optimal public services can create village government that is professional, efficient and effective, open and responsible, or good governance. This research explains public services in Langensari Village by emphasizing aspects of accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. The focus includes planning and development to advance village welfare. In regional development, the government emphasizes the bottom-up system, namely villages. Village governance is a form of government administration in realizing development in the village. In this case, creating good governance can improve public services in the village which can support the performance of village officials in serving the community. Optimal service must always be provided by regional government officials, especially village governments. That one of the goals of village regulation is to improve public services for service providers as well as possible is one of the performance results that village governments can carry out to achieve the goals set out in national service standards, namely service quality. Optimal public services can create village government that is professional, efficient and effective, open and responsible, or good governance.


Public Service; Governance; Village Government.

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Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 Pasal 1 ayat 12 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah

Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa



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Copyright (c) 2024 Emi Rachmawati, Rangga Muharram Adimanggala, Hasan Malik Karim Amarullah, Jesica Clarisa Amanda, Valina Mutiara Tsabbit Al Bilqis, Yulina Agisty, Lenniy Anggraieni, Niswa Afifah Naura Sari

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