Aktualisasi Dowry Law Sadompo Uma Pada Perkawinan Suku Mbojo

Mastorat Mastorat


Dowry is an obligatory gift from a prospective husband to a prospective wife as the sincerity of a prospective husband to create a sense of love for a prospective husband to his prospective wife or a gift that is required by a prospective husband to his prospective wife, both in the form of goods and services. This research is designed using an empirical juridical approach, meaning that the main data can be obtained through field observations, but there is also library data to adjust to the theoretical framework and empirical facts. Legal standing of the value of the dowry (dowry) of sadompo uma given by the prospective husband to his future wife based on the findings in this study there was an ambiguity in the shighat of the consent and qabul which caused the marriage to be invalid, because the dowry (dowry) of sadompo uma was not clear. form, type, and value, so that the marriage in question is not legally valid.


Mahar (dowry), Sadompo Uma, Perkawinan, Suku Mbojo

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.58258/jime.v8i1.2719


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