Edi Firman


This study is intended to analyze the use of Modeled Talk towards students’ motivation and vocabulary mastery at the first semester of the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Sakra Barat. This study applied quantitative research method with experimental design. This research was conducted on October to November 2021. The total population of students were 120 students. The study decided two classes as the sample of the research, namely control group and experimental group. In experimental group treated by modeled talk and control group treated by PBL toward students' motivation and vocabulary mastery. Both of the groups had been given pre-test and post-test. The sample was selected by using simple random sampling technique. From this study motivation as dependent variable and also acts as predicator to support students’ vocabulary mastery.  The result of data analysis confirmed that the analysis descriptive statistic, there are different in result between post experiment and post control (82.40 > 61.87). it indicates that the use of modeled talk technique effecting the learning target, meanwhile, the ANOVA analysis claims that   the value of data analysis underlined that f-value of motivation higher that α = 0.05 (f-value = 49,22 > 0.05). in this point the Ho which is should be rejected is accepted, which means that there is no effect between modeled and motivation. Regarding to the vocabulary score and data analysis, it is known that f-value also > 0.05, which is indicate the acceptance of Ho (Null Hypothesis). In correlational point between motivation and vocabulary, the analysis proves that there is no significant correlation between students' motivation and vocabulary mastery, it could be seen from the value result f-value = 0.10 with p-value (sig.) = 0.752 > 0.05. this result confirms that alternative hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the use of modeled talk has no significant effect toward students' motivation and vocabulary mastery.


modeled talk, motivation, vocabulary

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JIME: Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (p-issn: 2442-9511;e-issn: 2656-5862) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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