Pengaruh Latihan Run Through Rest Ratio 1:5 Dan Latihan Run Through Rest Ratio 1:8 Terhadap Prestasi Lari Sprint 100 Meter Pada Siswa SMP Islam Montong Kubur Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017

Muhhammad Ridwan Lubis, Arif Yanuar Musrifin


The students of SMP Islam Montong Kubur always suffered defeat on the 100 meters sprint due to the lack of speed. This study aims to determine the Effect of Run Through Rest Ratio 1: 5 training and Run Through Rest Ratio 1: 8 training toward the achievement of 100 Meters Sprint on students of SMP Islam Montong Kubur in 2016/2017 academic year. The research design used experimental method to find the influence among 3 variables in one unity that allows the occurrence of influence, and to review the factor influencing in certain data. The Instrument in the implementation of this research is a pre-test of 100 meters sprint followed by run through rest ratio 1: 5 and run through rest ratio 1: 8 training, and finally  carry out the post-test of 100 meters sprint. In this research, the method used to obtain the data is observation, documentation, and performance test. The population is the students of SMP Islam Montong Kubur and the sampling technique used cluster random sampling technique. The data analysis method used statistical analysis using T-Test formula as test of research hypothesis. The results of the analysis resulted t-score > t-table i.e. 6.915 > 2.093 at 5% significance level. It can be concluded that there is Effect of Run Through Rest Ratio 1: 5 training and Run Through Rest Ratio 1: 8 training toward the achievement of 100 Meters Sprint on students of SMP Islam Montong Kubur in 2016/2017 academic year


Latihan Run Through Rest Ratio 1:5, Latihan Run Through Rest Ratio 1:8, Prestasi Lari Sprint 100 Meter


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JIME: Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (p-issn: 2442-9511;e-issn: 2656-5862) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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