Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Dan Kecepatan Lari Sprint 50 Meter Dengan Kemampuan Dalam Lompat Jauh Pada Siswa Putra Kelas XI SMA Islam Bina Insani Langko Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

Elya Wibawa Syarifoeddin, Maulidin Maulidin


If not given proper attention then the result of sprint and long jump will not achieve maximum results. This study aims to menhui correlation between the Limb Muscle Relationships and Sprint Running 50 Meters with Lopmat Ability far on the students of class XI SMA Islam Bina Insani Langko Lesson Year 2017/2018 "From the data analysis by using the statistical correlation Product Moment and correlation double obtained count value rxy1-count> r-table, rxy2-arithmetic> r-table, rx1x2 -count <r-table, and Ryx1x2-arithmetic> r-table value. Thus rxy1, rxy2, and Ryx1x2 obtained significant results with a significant level of 5% while the value of rx1x2 did not achieve significant results at a significant level of 5% so it can be concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho) rejected and alternative hioptesis (Ha) accepted as well vice versa hypothesis nil (Ho) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. Thus it can be concluded that: "There is a Relationship of Limb Muscles And Running Sprint 50 Meters with Lopmat Ability Far on Student of Class XI SMA Islam Bina Insani Langko Lesson Year 2017/2018 ", "There is Relationship of Limb Muscles And Running Sprint 50 Meter with Ability Lopmat is far away at the Student of Class XI SMA Islam Bina Insani Langko Lesson Year 2017/2018 "," No relation Sprint Run 50 Meter and Muscle Limb Strength in long jump ", and" There is Limb Muscle Relationship And Sprint Run 50 Meter with.


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