Pengaruh Latihan Celtics Drill Terhadap Peningkatan Daya Tahan (Vo2 Max) Pada Pemain Bola Basket Putra MAN 2 Mataram
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was an effect of Celtics drill training on increasing Endurance (VO2 Max) in MAN 2 Mataram men's basketball players. In this study using quantitative methods, with experimental research methods. The subjects in this study were MAN 2 Mataram basketball players who joined the MAN 2 Mataram basketball extracurricular. The research results obtained were on endurance (VO2 Max) pre-test maximum 45.5 minimum 32.6 and post-test maximum 46.5 and minimum 34.7. From the calculation of the T test, the results were 3.317, while the T-table value was 1.769. so it can be concluded that there is an effect of Celtics drill training on increasing endurance (VO2 Max) in men's basketball players MAN 2 Mataram.
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