Application of Quantum Learning Strategies to Improve Science Learning Outcomes for Class VI Elementary School Students

Sirajuddin Ekhy, Eli Ernawati, Syahrir Syahrir, Sutartina Sutartina, Mardiana Mardiana


This study was structured with the aim of improving student achievement in learning outcomes using the quantum teaching learning strategy with the TANDUR concept in class VI students at SDN 31 Dompu  in the 2023/2024 academic year. Achievement Learning Outcomes referred to in this study include three criteria, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), in which the researcher is the implementer of learning while the classroom teacher is the observer. The design of this study uses the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart.. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes, namely in the first cycle the cognitive aspect obtained 53% (quite satisfactory), affective 70% (quite satisfactory), and the psychomotor aspect obtained 70% (quite satisfactory), then in the second cycle, all aspects experienced an increase, where the cognitive aspect got 65% (satisfactory), 80% (satisfactory) affective, and the psychomotor aspect got 70% (satisfactory). This means that all aspects have increased, for the cognitive aspect it has increased by 12%, the affective aspect has increased by 10%, while for the psychomotor aspect of the students it has remained in the satisfactory category


Problem Based Learning, PBL, differentiated learning, independent learning

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