Enhancing English Language Teaching: Strategies, Challenges, and Opportunities

K. Dedy Sandiarsa S, Edi Firman


Central to the article's inquiry are the innovative teaching methodologies and effective classroom strategies employed in ELT classrooms worldwide. Through a critical examination of theoretical frameworks and practical applications, the article illuminates the diverse pedagogical approaches and instructional techniques used to enhance language acquisition and proficiency among learners. From communicative language teaching to task-based learning and content-based instruction, the article explores the richness and diversity of approaches that educators employ to engage and empower language learners. The article delves into the transformative impact of technological advancements on language education. By examining the integration of digital tools, multimedia resources, and online platforms in ELT pedagogy, the article highlights the potential of technology to enhance language learning outcomes, facilitate authentic communication, and foster learner autonomy. However, it also acknowledges the challenges and complexities associated with technology integration, such as access barriers, digital divides, and the need for digital literacy skills among educators and learners. The article explores opportunities for professional development, collaboration, and research within the ELT community. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and inquiry, educators can enhance their teaching effectiveness, expand their pedagogical repertoire, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of language education. Through networks, conferences, and research initiatives, educators have the opportunity to engage in dialogue, exchange ideas, and explore innovative practices that promote excellence in ELT.


English Language Teaching, Teaching strategies, Challenges and Opportunities

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.58258/jime.v10i2.6834


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