Lalu Dwi Satria Ardiansyah


This research aims to investigate the impact of using videos as audio-visual aids for teaching listening for ESL. It was conducted from March 15, 2018 up to May 28, 2018. The population of this study was the first semester of University of Nahdlatul Ulama NTB, and from this population, two classes were selected as the sample. This research employed true experimental research method with two groups, an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG was taught by using authentic video, while the CG used audio Compact Disc (CD) as the teaching aid most often used by ESL teachers in teaching listening. In collecting the data, the writer used tests as the instrument, and in analyzing the data collected, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) computer software was employed. The mean score of the results from the post-tests from the EG at 75 was higher than that of the control group at 64. Moreover, the t-test for the EG was higher than that for the CG (11.51>4.06) which meant that the improvement in the EG was significantly higher than the listening achievements of the CG. The EG students taught by using authentic video achieved higher results in listening than the CG ones taught by audio compact disc (CD). As a result, the alternative hypothesis was accepted and null hypothesis was rejected which meant that there was a significant improvement in terms of listening achievements after the use of authentic videos treatment.


Teaching Listening, Authentic Video, Comprehension


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