Improving Grade 1 Students’ Learning Outcomes in Mathematics Learning on Addition Story Problems Through the UPTD Role Playing Method at SDN 191 BARRU

Andi Adam, Nurul Muhaimin, Firmansyah Firmansyah


This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of first-grade students in mathematics, particularly in solving addition word problems, through the implementation of the role-playing method at UPTD SDN 191 Barru. The research employed a Classroom Action Research (CAR) approach conducted over three cycles, each comprising planning, implementation, observation, and reflection phases. The findings reveal that the role-playing method significantly enhanced students' understanding of addition word problems, with the percentage of students meeting the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) increasing from 60% in the pre-cycle to 96% in the third cycle. Additionally, this method boosted students’ motivation, participation, and ability to relate mathematical concepts to real-life situations. These results suggest that the role-playing method is an effective and engaging strategy for teaching mathematics at the elementary level.


role-playing method, learning outcomes, mathematics, addition word problems, first grade, UPTD SDN 191 Barru.

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