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Author Guidelines

(Judul maksimal 15 Kata, Memberi Gambaran Penelitian/Kajian Kepustakaan yang Telah Dilakukan, Times New Roman 12, spasi 1, spacing after 6 pt)

 Nama  Penulis  Pertama/Kedua dst (Times New Roman 12, Bold, spasi 1)

Afiliasi (Program Studi, Fakultas, Universitas) dan Alamat e-mail (Times New Roman 12, spasi 1, spacing after 6 pt)

Abstract (English)

(Times New Roman 12, spasi 1, spacing  before 12 pt, after 2 pt)

Title (Write down your article title in English). An abstranct is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference  proceeding or any-depth analysis of a particular subject or disipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper purposes. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript, acting as the point-of-entry  for any given academic  paper or patent application.  Absatrcting  and indexing services for various  academic  discipline  are aimed  at compiling  a body of literature  for that  particular  subject. Abstract length varies by discipline and publisher requirements. Abstracts are typically sectioned logically as an overview of what appears in the paper.

Keywords: content, formatting, article.

Abstrak (Indonesia)

(Times New Roman 12, spasi 1, spacing  before 12 pt, after 2 pt)

Abstrak memuat uraian singkat mengenai masalah dan tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan, dan hasil penelitian.   Tekanan  penulisan  abstrak  terutama  pada  hasil  penelitian.   Abstrak  ditulis  dalam  bahasa Indonesia  dan Bahasa  Inggris.  Pengetikan  abstrak dilakukan  dengan  spasi  tunggal  dengan  margin  yang lebih sempit dari margin kanan dan kiri teks utama. Kata kunci perlu dicantumkan untuk menggambarkan ranah  masalah  yang  diteliti  dan  istilah-istilah  pokok  yang mendasari  pelaksanaan  penelitian.  Kata-kata kunci dapat berupa kata tunggal atau gabungan kata. Jumlah kata-kata kunci 3-5 kata.  Kata-kata kunci ini diperlukan  untuk komputerisasi.  Pencarian  judul penelitian  dan abstraknya  dipermudah  dengan kata-kata kunci tersebut.

Kata Kunci: isi, format, artikel.


Pendahuluan harus berisi (secara berurutan) latar belakang umum, kajian literatur terdahulu (state of the art) sebagai dasar pernyataan kebaruan ilmiah dari artikel, pernyataan kebaruan ilmiah, dan permasalahan penelitian atau hipotesis. Di bagian akhir pendahuluan harus dituliskan tujuan kajian artikel tersebut. Di dalam format artikel ilmiah tidak diperkenankan adanya tinjauan pustaka sebagaimana di laporan penelitian, tetapi diwujudkan dalam bentuk kajian literatur terdahulu (state of the art) untuk menunjukkan kebaruan ilmiah artikel tersebut.

METODE (12pt)

Alur penelitian sebaiknya disajikan di bagian ini dilengkapi dengan keterangan gambar. Keterangan gambar diletakkan menjadi bagian dari judul gambar (figure caption) bukan menjadi bagian dari gambar. Metode-metode yang digunakan dalam penyelesaian penelitian dituliskan di bagian ini.


Hasil dan pembahasan berisi hasil-hasil temuan penelitian dan pembahasannya secara ilmiah. Tuliskan temuan-temuan ilmiah (scientific finding) yang diperoleh dari hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan tetapi harus ditunjang oleh data-data yang memadai. Temuan ilmiah yang dimaksud di sini adalah bukan data-data hasil penelitian yang diperoleh. Temuan-temuan ilmiah tersebut harus dijelaskan secara saintifik meliputi: Apakah temuan ilmiah yang diperoleh?  Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi? Mengapa trend variabel seperti itu? Semua pertanyaan tersebut harus dijelaskan secara saintifik, tidak hanya deskriptif, bila perlu ditunjang oleh fenomena-fenomena dasar ilmiah yang memadai. Selain itu, harus dijelaskan juga perbandingannya dengan hasil-hasil para peneliti lain yang hampir sama topiknya. Hasil-hasil penelitian dan temuan harus bisa menjawab hipotesis penelitian di bagian pendahuluan.


Kesimpulan menggambarkan jawaban dari hipotesis dan/atau tujuan penelitian atau temuan ilmiah yang diperoleh. Kesimpulan bukan berisi perulangan dari hasil dan pembahasan, tetapi lebih kepada ringkasan hasil temuan seperti yang diharapkan di tujuan atau hipotesis.

SARAN (12pt)

Saran menggambarkan hal-hal yang akan dilakukan terkait dengan gagasan selanjutnya dari penelitian tersebut. Hambatan-hambatan atau permasalahan yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil penelitian juga disajikan pada bagian ini.


Ucapan terima kasih terutama ditujukan kepada pemberi dana penelitian atau donatur. Ucapan terima kasih dapat juga disampaikan kepada pihak-pihak yang membantu pelaksanaan penelitian.


Semua rujukan-rujukan yang diacu di dalam teks artikel harus didaftarkan di bagian Daftar Pustaka. Daftar Pustaka harus berisi pustaka-pustaka acuan yang berasal dari sumber primer (jurnal ilmiah dan berjumlah minimum 80% dari keseluruhan daftar pustaka) diterbitkan 10 (sepuluh) tahun terakhir. Setiap artikel paling tidak berisi 10 (sepuluh) daftar pustaka acuan. Penulisan sistem rujukan di dalam teks artikel dan penulisan daftar pustaka sebaiknya menggunakan program aplikasi manajemen referensi misalnya: Mendeley, EndNote, atau Zotero, atau lainnya.

Format Heading (BAGIAN dan Sub-bagian)

Heading sebaiknya tidak lebih dari 3 tingkat. Semua heading harus dalam font 12 pt. Berikut tata cara penulisan heading:

  1. Heading Level 1: Heading level 1 harus huruf kapital semua, cetak tebal, dan rata kiri. Sebagai contoh, METODE.
  2. Heading Level 2: Heading level 2 harus diawali huruf kapital, cetak tebal, dan rata kiri. Sebagai contoh, Heading 2.
  3. Heading Level-3: Heading level 3 harus diawali huruf kapital, cetak tebal, miring (italic), dan rata kiri. Sebagai contoh, Heading 3.
  4. Heading Level-4: Heading level-4 harus diawali huruf kapital, miring (italic), dan dinomori dengan angka Arab diikuti dengan tanda kurung kanan. Sebagai contoh, (1) Heading 4

Format Tabel

Tabel 1. Kriteria validitas instrumen pengetahuan metakognisi berdasarkan rata-rata nilai validator

Interval Nilai


> 3,6

Sangat Valid

2,8 – 3,6


1,9– 2,7

Tidak Valid

1,0– 1,8

Sangat Tidak Valid


Panduan Penulisan Daftar Pustaka

Penulisan Daftar Pustaka sebaiknya menggunakan aplikasi manajemen referensi seperti MendeleyEnd NoteZotero, atau lainnya. Format penulisan yang digunakan di jurnal Prisma adalah sesuai dengan format APA (American Psychological Association).

Pustaka yang berupa majalah/jurnal ilmiah: 

Bekker, J. G., Craig, I. K., & Pistorius, P. C. (1999). Modeling and Simulation of Arc Furnace Process. ISIJ International, 39(1), 23–32.

Pustaka yang berupa judul buku:

Fridman, A. (2008). Plasma Chemistry (p. 978). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Pustaka yang berupa Prosiding Seminar:

Roeva, O. (2012). Real-World Applications of Genetic Algorithm. In International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (pp. 25–30). Semarang, Indonesia: Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University.

Pustaka yang berupa disertasi/thesis/skripsi: 

Istadi, I. (2006). Development of A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network – Genetic Algorithm for Modelling and Optimization of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma Reactor. PhD Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Pustaka yang berupa patent: 

Primack, H.S. (1983). Method of Stabilizing Polyvalent Metal Solutions. US Patent No. 4,373,104

Pustaka yang berupa HandBook: 

Hovmand, S. (1995). Fluidized Bed Drying. In Mujumdar, A.S. (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial Drying (pp.195-248). 2nd Ed. New York: Marcel Dekker.


United Arab Emirates architecture. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2010, from UAE Interact website: http://www.

Dokumen Pemerintah

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. (1978).  Pedoman Penulisan Laporan Penelitian. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Dokumen Pemerintah  yang diterbitkan oleh penerbit dan tanpa lembaga

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 1990. Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya.

Tulisan/ berita dalam koran (tanpa nama penulis)

Jawa Pos. 22 April, 1995. Wanita Kelas Bawah Lebih Mandiri, hlm.3.

Format Gambar


Gambar 1. Keterangan Gambar



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


Copyright Notice

Publication Ethics

This scientific code of ethics statement is a code of ethics statement for all parties involved in the publication process of scientific journals, namely managers, editors, reviewers, and authors. The statement of the ethical code of scientific publications is based on the Head Regulation of LIPI Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publication, which in essence is the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publication which essentially upholds the three ethical values in publication, namely

  1. Neutrality, which is free from conflicts of interest in the management of publications;
  2. Justice, namely to give authorship rights to those who are entitled as authors / writers; and
  3. Honesty, which is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.

Editor-in-Chief’s Duties and Responsibilities of the

  1. Determine the name of the journal, scope of science, scale, and accreditation if necessary.
  2. Determine editor membership.
  3. Defining relationships between publishers, editors, best partners, and other parties.
  4. Respect confidential matters, both for contributing researchers, authors, editors, and best-partner partners.
  5. Implement norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  6. Conduct a journal policy review and submit it to authors, editors, best partners, and readers.
  7. Make a code of conduct guide for editors and best partners.
  8. Publish journals regularly.
  9. Ensure the availability of funding sources for the sustainability of journal publishing.
  10. Building a network of cooperation and marketing.
  11. To improve the quality of the journal.
  12. Prepare licensing and other legal aspects.

Editor's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The editor comments on the author's writing so the reader can understand what the writer wants to say, through comments written on the script.
  2. The editor comments on the author's writing in accordance with the EYD language (Enhanced Spelling) or the language according to the standard of the journal.
  3. The editor strives to improve the quality of publications on an ongoing basis;
  4. The editor puts forward freedom of opinion objectively,
  5. The editor conveys corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies if needed,
  6. The editor ensures that the writer's writings are not related to SARA or anything that could harm the Publisher and coordinate the writer's writings to the editor in chief of the publisher if the writing is slightly controversial.
  7. Editor receives, examines, and follows up complaints from all parties involved in publishing the journal;
  8. The editor supports initiatives to educate researchers about the ethics of publication,
  9. Editors do not maintain their own opinions, authors or third parties that can result in non-objective decisions,
  10. The editor encourages the author, so that he can make repairs to the paper until it is worth publishing.
  11. The editor performs the layout of the manuscript to be published so that it matches the journal template.
  12. Editor assisted the editor in chief in finalizing the collection of manuscripts before printing and publishing, especially in terms of language, format and layout.

Reviewer's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Provide objective and unbiased written feedback on the value of scholarship and the contribution of the manuscript to the development of science;
  2. Shows whether the writing of the script is quite clear, complete, and relevant, and whether the manuscript is in accordance with the scope of the journal;
  3. Does not provide criticism or comments that are personal; and
  4. Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript, by not discussing it with parties who are not related, or disclosing information contained in the text to other parties.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Website Administrator

The Website Administrator is the person responsible for managing the journal website. Specifically, the scope of duties of the Website Administrator are as follows:

  1. Prepare a journal website;
  2. Configure system options and manage user accounts;
  3. Register for editors, reviewers, and writers;
  4. Manage journal features;
  5. View report statistics; and
  6. Upload/publish papers that are already accepted.

    Copyright Notice
    Authors who publish with Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education agree to the following terms:

    1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-SA 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. 
    2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
    3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.


Privacy Statement

Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan dalam situs jurnal ini akan digunakan secara eksklusif untuk tujuan jurnal ini dan tidak akan disediakan untuk tujuan lain apa pun atau kepada pihak lain mana pun.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Fast-Track Review: 0.00 (IDR)
With the payment of this fee, the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks.

Article Publication: 400000.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.